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Appeal for Donations 2020


As we approach year-end, without a doubt, 2020 has been historically significant and challenging. The worldwide pandemic will become, for many, a history lesson. America has yet to overcome one of her greatest challenges much as she did from 1861-1865 in the American Civil War.

The mission of the Kentucky Civil War Roundtable in preserving and presenting the history of the American Civil War has been challenged as well. Having to cancel in person meetings has taken its toll on our membership. Membership dues collections have significantly declined threatening the viability of the Organization as never before. As of November 30, 2020, there is nearly $9,000.00 of unpaid dues on our books. That equates to nearly 100 members who have not paid their 2021 dues. Whether we hold in person or virtual meetings our speaker, production and administrative expenses continue and are budgeted accordingly to break even and remain a viable entity.

Dues invoices for 2021 were sent out in August and a reminder notice was sent out last week. If you did not receive your invoice, please contact Susie at The dues discount amount is $85 for single and $100 per couple until December 31, 2020. After that, dues are $100 for single and $120 for a couple.

As we are a 50l(c)3 tax exempt organization your dues are tax deductible as are contributions. Please consider the Roundtable in your charitable giving, especially this year.

Our virtual meetings in September and November were successfully produced and well received. Please visit our website,, to access these video presentations. We will continue to hold virtual meetings in January and March 2021 with great speakers. Our goal, if it’s safe to do so, is to return to in person meetings for May, September and November of2021 at the Embassy Suites Hotel.

We look forward to seeing everyone on January 25th for Steve Davis’ presentation about the George Barnard photographs of Atlanta taken during its occupation by Sherman’s troops.

We wish everyone the happiest of holidays and best wishes for the New Year.


The Kentucky Civil War Round Table is the largest in the nation in terms of membership. Membership is open to all. Membership fees entitle you to attend five dinner meetings per year in January, March, May, September, and November (each member must pay for his/her own dinner) and the KY Civil War Roundtable newsletters, as well as access to special events.