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The War for the Common Soldier: How Men Thought, Fought, and Survived in Civil War Armies

Peter S. Carmichael is the Robert C. Fluhrer Professor of Civil War Studies at Gettysburg College and the Director of the Civil War Institute. Peter’s books include: Lee’s Young Artillerist: William R.J. Pegram, and, Audacity Personified: The Generalship of Robert E. Lee. His lecture to be given at the March 15, 2021 Virtual meeting of the Round Table will be about his most recent book: The War for the Common Soldier: How Men Thought, Fought, and Survived the Civil War Armies. ■

President’s Report

With Peter Carmichael speaking at the March virtual meeting, a word should be said about the upcoming summer conference of the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College. Held for four days every June for the last thirty-five years, the Civil War Institute brings together leading historians and great audiences for battlefield tours, small group discussions, lectures, and roundtable conversations about the Civil War era. Lodging and meals are traditionally held on the two hundred-acre college campus. This year the conference will be held from June 10th through June 13th.

Among the speakers, in addition to Peter, will be Gary W. Gallagher, Carol Reardon, Keith Bohannon, Jennifer Murray, John Hennessy, and many more, including yours truly. Battlefield tours of various aspects of the Battle of Gettysburg, including following the footsteps of individual Union and Confederate regiments in notable attacks on July 1, 2, and 3, 1863, will be offered. The Civil War Institute is a must for those seriously interested in the Civil War. See you in Gettysburg!


The Kentucky Civil War Round Table is the largest in the nation in terms of membership. Membership is open to all. Membership fees entitle you to attend five dinner meetings per year in January, March, May, September, and November (each member must pay for his/her own dinner) and the KY Civil War Roundtable newsletters, as well as access to special events.